Faith Based Psychiatry

# Introduction

All of us face struggles and difficulties along the path of life. It's part of what it means to be human. Today, a very positive aspect of the conversation surrounding mental health is the desire to integrate modern findings from the psychological and psychiatric literature with traditional religious teachings and practices. Both medicine and faith share the same goal: to help guide us into leading healthy, fulfilling, and complete lives.

But what does this mean for you?

Maybe you are struggling with your mental health, or with your faith life.

Maybe you're at a moment in your life where there seems to be little hope, or little reason to believe in a brighter future at all.

While each of us are unique, we ultimately do share many common concerns. We might have questions that seem impossible to answer right now. But both psychiatry and religion provide answers to those questions and concerns.

It is my strong belief that each of not only holds great potential, but also has a clear and tangible path forward toward better lives.

“For those with faith, no evidence is necessary; for those without it, no evidence will suffice.” —St. Thomas Aquinas

# Finding a Faith-Based Psychiatrist

As a Christian, I rely on my background with the Catholic faith to help people fully become who God intended them to be. If feeling better and finding the answers to life's big questions sounds appealing to you, but possibly overwhelming, I encourage you to spend some time today looking for a professional who can help provide comprehensive care. A professional can serve as a guide during your period of growth.

Based on my past experiences with patients, I have found that it is often hardest to take that first step.

Here are some common suggestions on how to find a faith-based psychiatrist in your area.

  1. Ask for advice. If you have an existing religious practice, ask a trusted advisor at your place of worship if they have resources available.

  2. Search online. Use a search engine to look for therapists, conselors, or psychiatrists in your area who specialize in faith-based treatment. You can search by your specific religious background, for example - "Christian Psychiatrist near me"

  3. Check local listings. Remember to also check for referrals, and browse local service pages.

  4. Consider telepsychiatry. If you are located far away from a clinician, consider telepsychiatry as a great, convenient option.

  5. Reach out to schedule an initial phone call. During your first phone call, try to establish a connection where you feel at ease. Provide as much detail as you are comfortable with.

There are already people in your life who want to see you become healthy and whole.

Contact me to set up a time to speak